Bagel chips! A Tasty Thursday post

Snacks. Bagels. What's not to like? Put them together, and there's magic in those chips . . .

These are so easy, so delicious, and so addictive, you will either be cursing me or singing my praises. Either way, they're definitely in the YES YOU CAN category of kitchen specialties.

Side note - these are inspired by my grandmother Marge, from whom I inherited my love of attitude around food. I'm lucky enough to come from a long stock of people on both sides at home in the kitchen, but Marge took it all to a new level. Perhaps this snapshot in words will help you see her . . .

Thanksgiving, 1985? 86? There's snow on the ground outside her southern Vermont home, and a fire crackling in the formal living room. Turkey smells permeate the entire house. We are busy setting the table, counting chairs, putting out placemats and place-cards along with the silver and wine glasses. 

I count. Check the list. Ask again who is coming. Count chairs. "Marge, we've got an extra chair."

She gets a glint in her eye. "Go into my room and get a piece of paper and a pen."

Pinned to the tree in front of her house about 5 minutes later is a sign that reads, "Dinner at 4. Room for one more."

For Marge, there was always room for one more. 

Bagels (best if they're a day or two old - super fresh bagels are harder to cut)
seasoning of your choice (depends on the flavor of bagel!)

1. Preheat the oven to 350.
2. Slice the bagels super thin, then lay them on an uncreased baking sheet.
3. Spread each slice with butter.
4. Top with sprinkled seasoning. Let your tastebuds and the bagel flavor be your guide!
5. Bake 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy. If you've sliced them on the thick side, turn the oven off and leave them in there for an extra 5-10 minutes to finish drying out.
6. Try to resist eating one right away. You'll burn your tongue. Ask me how I know. :)

Ideas for flavor: SAVORY: curry powder, chili powder, lemon pepper, herbs de provence, cumin and oregano, taco seasoning, sesame seeds, plain salt, garlic powder. SWEET: cinnamon sugar, maple syrup crystals, candied ginger, 5-spice seasoning, chili powder, cocoa powder . . . the list goes on. 

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